I've been friends with my best friend for the past 5 years now. We do typical things that best friends do. We go out together, do sleepovers, go to concerts and music festivals together. She's basically my sister from another mother. But the one thing we won't be sharing would be the university that we will be attending. She wanted to go to an art school to study graphic design while I opted to enroll in business school. So, to mark our friendship and remind ourselves of each other even when we're hundreds of miles apart, we decided we would get matching rings. But what? We decided to get butterfly rings.


We opted to go for butterfly rings because we both adore butterflies. We can't help but gravitate towards those beautiful flying insects with colorful wings. They're just so pretty and we always get excited whenever we see one flying about. So we decided to get matching butterfly rings with our birthstones embedded in them. We found a cool online jewelry shop and they offer butterfly rings adorned with birthstones on them. The price is just high enough to put a value on the rings but not so high that we, a couple of high school students, couldn't afford to get a pair.

The great thing about matching butterfly rings is that it really speaks to both of our journeys until where we are now in life. Just like the life cycle of a butterfly, we started small and naive about the world. We learned to harden ourselves to weather the challenges that life will undoubtedly throw at us and now we are emerging into the world ready to forge our own destiny. We might be doing it in different parts of the country but the butterfly rings will remind us that we're never too far away from each other.